ARTICLE I: Organization
Sec. 1: The name of this organization shall be the Twin Cities Black Journalists, hereinafter referred to as TCBJ.
Sec. 2: Objectives. TCBJ shall have as its objectives the organization of black journalists and shall act as an agency through which black journalists can implement the following goals:
Strengthen ties among black journalists
Become an exemplary group of professionals that honors excellence and outstanding achievement by black journalists
Expand job opportunities for black journalists and identify potential black
journalists in local high schools and colleges
Help educate the black community on the role of the media plays in the community
Promote understanding among local media management of issues sensitive to the black community
Sec. 3: This constitution shall be in compliance with any federal, state or local laws which govern the transaction of business with TCBJ.
ARTICLE II: Membership
Sec. 1: Full membership shall be open to working journalists, i.e., reporters, editors, copy editors, photographers, graphic designers, columnists, media-related professionals, editorial writers and news anchors who work for newspapers, television and radio stations, magazines, and wire and computer services; editorial support personnel for the media and freelance journalists who are employed at academic institutions, journalism teachers and those who help produce, gather, disseminate, direct and distribute the news. All membership applications will be subject to the review of the TCBJ executive board.
Sec. 2: Membership must be renewed annually. Newcomers will be asked to join after attending two consecutive meetings.
Sec. 3: Member dues will be $30 for professional members and media-related members.
Sec. 4: Student membership will be open to college students whose dues shall be $5 annually. Student members are not entitled to vote or hold office in TCBJ.
Sec. 5: The executive board will appoint a student member to serve as an at-large member of the board.
Sec. 6: All members are required to pay dues. Those dues should be made payable to TCBJ through the treasurer who shall be duly bonded.
Sec. 1: TCBJ officers shall be president, vice president(s) of print and/or broadcast, secretary, treasurer and parliamentarian.
Sec. 2: All officers shall be elected by popular vote.
Sec. 3: All officers will serve one-year terms. Nominations and elections will be held annually at an April meeting. Officers will be installed within a month of the elections.
Sec. 4: In the event of any vacancy in an elective office, the president shall appoint a member to the position for the unexpired term. That appointment shall be subject to the approval of the membership.
Sec. 5: Any member wishing to run for office but unable to attend the election shall be deemed eligible if nominated, provided he or she has notified the secretary.
Sec. 6: If the president resigns, the vice president(s) will assume the presidency pending a vote of the executive board.
Sec. 1: The five elected officers and the student appointee shall form the executive board. The executive board shall meet at least every other month and meetings shall be open to general membership.
Sec. 2: Votes by written proxy shall be allowed.
Sec. 3: The membership shall meet at least once a month.
ARTICLES V: Duties of the president
Sec. 1: The president shall preside and govern deliberations at all meetings of the membership and executive board.
Sec. 2: The president shall call all meetings and special meetings.
Sec. 3: The president shall have the power to appoint all committees.
Sec. 4: The president shall be the official spokesperson for TCBJ or shall appoint a substitute in the event he or she is not available.
ARTICLE VI: Duties of the vice president(s)
Sec. 1: The vice president shall exercise all the powers and rights of the president, in their respective order, during the president’s absence or inability to act.
Sec. 2: The vice president shall be in charge of membership, keeping accurate files of current members. He or she will coordinate all committees except the fundraising committee.
ARTICLE VII: Duties of the secretary
Sec. 1: The secretary shall take charge of all books, correspondence, records, documents or other property of TCBJ invested in his or her care.
Sec. 2: The secretary shall attend all meeting of TCBJ and shall keep a true and faithful record of all deliberations.
Sec. 3: The secretary shall issue notices of meetings as directed by the president.
ARTICLE VIII: Duties of the treasurer
Sec. 1: The treasurer shall take charge of all funds and monies of TCBJ and receive all monies and deposit same to the credit of TCBJ in any financial institution designated by the executive board.
Sec. 2: The treasurer shall keep a faithful account of all expenditures and receipts in books provided by TCBJ for all monies paid.
Sec. 3: He or she shall pay out funds of TCBJ, all such accounts authorized by the membership.
Sec. 4: The treasurer shall prepare monthly reports of the financial standing of TCBJ and submit same to the executive board and membership.
Sec. 5: He or she shall prepare a complete financial report of TCBJ and have the same audited annually by an independent certified public accountant appointed by the president. The treasurer shall also present such report and the CPA’s statement at a membership meeting.
Sec. 6: The treasurer shall allow any two or more members of the executive board to examine any books of TCBJ.
ARTICLE IX: Duties of the parliamentarian
Sec. 1: The parliamentarian shall maintain order at all TCBJ meetings, utilizing standard rules of membership.
Sec. 2: The parliamentarian shall be responsible for teaching those rules to the membership.
Sec. 3: The parliamentarian, in collaboration with the president, shall set the agenda for monthly TCBJ meetings.
ARTICLE X: Finance
Sec. 1: All checks over $150 issued by TCBJ must bear the signatures at least two members of the executive board.
Sec. 2: The executive board must approve any purchase exceeding $100 and inform the general membership.
Sec. 3: The Twin Cities Black Journalists is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Sec. 4: No part of the net earnings of TCBJ shall inure to the benefit of or be distributed to members, officers or other private persons, except that TCBJ shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose set forth hereof. No substantial part of the activities of TCBJ shall be carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and TCBJ shall not participate in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, TCBJ shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an association exempt from federal income tax under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Code, or (b) by an association, contributions to which, are deductible under
Section 170 (c) (2) of the Code.
Sec. 5: Upon dissolution of TCBJ, the officers shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities of TCBJ, dispose of remaining assets of TCBJ to such organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational or religious purposes which at the time qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501(c) (3) of the Code.
ARTICLE XI: Amendments
Sec. 1: These bylaws may be amended as follows:
The proposed amendment must be present in writing at a general meeting.
All members must be notified by mail of the proposed change.
The proposed change must be acted upon at the next general meeting with a simple majority of members present needed for approval.
The Twin Cities Black Journalists will give priority to African-American-owned businesses whenever holding an event when funds from the organization must be spent.